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Kim Ross, Trustee

Board of Trustees


Appointed to the CCBC Board of Trustees by Maryland Governor Wes Moore, Kim Ross has a background in Strategic Communications and Management and is editorial director for a global content management company.

She is president of the Franklin Point at Deerborne Homeowners Association; an elected member of the Baltimore County Democratic State Central Committee and chair of the Communications subcommittee; and a member of the Rossville Elementary Parent-Teacher-Student Organization, where she serves on the Student Connections committee.

She is also a member of the Maryland Homeowners’ Association, Public Relations Society of America and the SIIA’s Associations, Media & Publishing Network.

Ross, who lives in Baltimore County, has a bachelor’s degree in English from North Carolina Central University and a certificate in Strategic Media Communications from New York University. She is currently working on a master’s degree in Strategic Communications at University of Maryland Global Campus.

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