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Air Traffic Control Operations II (AVMT 227)

Credit Course

3 credits

$122 per credit

in-county, fees apply


20 ATC instruction hours, 20 ATC simulation hours, provides an advanced study of air traffic control (ATC) tower operations, equipment, policies, and procedures. Students learn proper teamwork, decision making, and crew resource management (CRM) skills while applying their knowledge of terminal operations through ATC tower simulator exercises. Course offered every fall, spring and may be offered during additional sessions.

Prerequisite(s): AVMT 226. Corequisite(s): AVMT 231.
Lab Fee: $925.00.


Fall 2024 (1 Section)

  • Section Meeting Times:

    • Time:
      2:00 - 4:55 p.m.
      Days of Week:
      Location: Catonsville, HTEC 001F

    Section Information:

    • Format: In-person
    • 0 Available Seats
    • Dates: 08/26/2024 - 12/15/2024
    • Course ID: #93864

    Credit Hours: 3

    Billable Hours: 3

    Note: NOTE: This is an Air Traffic Control Tower course. It includes additional simulator lab time time scheduled on Thursday, 2:00 - 4:55. This course has a specific lab fee, refer to the college catalog. Additional remote lecture sessions may be scheduled for times that are convenient for students enrolled in the class NOTE: This course uses a FREE/LOW COST textbook.